wtorek, 30 czerwca 2015

Wyniki RAW: 29/06/2015

SEGMENT: Czas nagród
Seth Rollins, J&J Security i Kane przychodzą do ringu. Rollins mówi, że nie ma tu Brocka Lesnara. Mówiąc o Bestii, wspomina jego atak w ostatni poniedziałek, w którym ucierpiał Jamie Noble, dla którego fani wiwatują. Na koniec segmentu Seth postanawia rozdać nagrody. Wszyscy w ringu dostają nowe smartwatche. Są też nagrody indiwydualne - Kane dostaje wyjazd na wakacje do Hawajów, a J&J Security - nowy samochód. Jest też zapowiedziany No DQ tag-team main event: Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins & Kane.
WALKA 1: Big Show def. Mark Henry
Squash. Po starciu brawl Show vs. Ryback.
WALKA 2: Ryback def. The Miz via count-out
Biegnij, Miz, biegnij!
WALKA 3: Paige def. Alicia Fox
Jedyne starcie div wieczoru!
WALKA 4: John Cena vs. Kevin Owens - mistrzostwo US
Owens przyjął wyzwanie, lecz przed gongiem się rozmyślił.
WALKA 5: Cesaro def. John Cena via DQ - mistrzostwo US
Kevin Owens zaatakował obu zawodników.
John Cena vs Cesaro (US Title)
At first, Kevin Owens comes out to accept the challenge, but he leaves the ring after being introduced.
"You know what, on second thought, I'll wait for Battleground - smarmy bastard.
Cena's real opponent is introduced: Cesaro. Owens makes his way to the commentary table
Not going to mince words here. This is a match of the year candidate. These two already have awesome chemistry, but they took it to the next level here. Both men hit the other with some of their biggest high impact moves and kept right on coming back for more. The match ended when Owens attacked Cesaro while a sharpshooter was locked in.
Cesaro def John Cena by DQ
Both Cesaro and Cena ate pop-up powerbombs, and Owens proclaimed that he was going to be the one to take the US Title from Cena.
Bray Wyatt cuts a promo on Roman Reigns. He talks about how life isn't fair and about how he wasn't his father's favorite. Now, Bray has his wings back, and his fun with Reigns is just beginning. He won't let Roman succeed.
"Anyone but you"
Lucha Dragons and The Primetime Players vs The New Day and Bo Dallas
Pretty fun tag match that was fairly similar to the one we saw on SmackDown recently. Kalisto and Darren Young play the faces in peril here, and Titus O'Neil gets the hot tag. Insanity ensues at the end and O'Neil eventually hits Clash of the Titus on Kofi Kingston for the win.
Lucha Dragons and The Primetime Players def The New Day and Bo Dallas
Dolph Ziggler and Lana come down to the ring.
The crowd chants for Lana, and Ziggler says that he's on their side. Ziggler then brings up the history of him and Lana (her trying to get back at Rusev). He says their situation has changed.
Lana takes the mic now and says that Lana never knew a real man until now due to Rusev's controlling. She says that her and Ziggler have become "more than just friends."
At this time, Rusev comes out with Summer Rae. (Bear with me, I am having a VERY hard time taking this seriously)
Rusev says that he never cared about Lana and starts badgering her until Ziggler puts him in his place, telling him that he blew it. Ziggler threatens Rusev, and the two square off for a moment until Rusev leaves.
As Rusev leaves, Summer takes the mic and says that she hates gold diggers, bringing up the fact that Lana jumped ship when Rusev got injured. Summer calls Lana a "two-faced, conniving phony" before slapping her.
A catfight ensues and I'm done with this segment.
(Author's note: After a little over ten months of live blogging, I've never walked away from a segment willingly until now...great going WWE)
Neville vs Sheamus
This a really good physical match that utilized Sheamus' hoss style and Neville's high-flying style well. Neville went for one high-risk move too many, leading to a crash-and-burn after Sheamus shook the top rope. A Brogue Kick led to the win.
Sheamus def Neville
Jack Swagger vs King Barrett
Squash and bow down to the King and whatever.
King Barrett def Jack Swagger.
Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins and Kane (No DQ)
Before the match, J&J recreate the classic Alberto Del Rio entrance.
This was a complete mess of a match as you would expect. There was no real rhyme or reason to it; just a way to ensure insanity and all that fun stuff. In the end, Bray Wyatt comes from out of nowhere and lays Reigns out on the outside. Ambrose tries to fight, but Kane and Rollins are too much. He gets chokeslammed and Pedigreed for the loss.
Seth Rollins and Kane def Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns
After the match, Ambrose and Reigns are laid out by The Authority to end. Reigns also receives a bonus Sister Abigail for good measure.

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